Friday, June 17

A Good Interview Does Not Always Brings You A Job

I finally got the response from that giant company that I had interview with back in late May: Zip! I believe that I provided good answers and I also believe I would have been able to present me much better, had they met me personally but that was a conference call between me here and the manager down somewhere in the US. In her e-mail the HR lady explained to me briefly that they had selected someone from one of their affiliate companies there. 
I check the main website of the company right after that and realized there were many positions in my field but in different industries and all in the US. I applied for one and I'm going to apply for more in the coming days. This is going beyond crazy now. It's been 8 months now that I'm out of work and passing or no passing interviews, I haven't been able to get anything!
In my opinion there are two possibilities usually:
1) The candidate who asks for less salary is selected in many cases.
2) There always might be a candidate who is more competent than you. In this case this person whom they say is selected from a US affiliate company, has most likely more experience in North America. For that reason they have more trust in him. He is considered a more competent person that me.
I had the same scenario back in 2013 shortly after the flood. This is is third anniversary coincidentally! I had two good interviews for two positions with the same company! One through a recruiter and the other one directly with the HR and the manager of the department.  None of them led to employment! The bastards of the recruiting company never even contacted me! They never provided a feedback. I guess I contacted the HR lady and she said that someone else had been selected! I don't know whether I would have been laid off by now or not, had I been hired by them back in 2013 because I heard they threw a bunch out but that would have been good to have in my resume working for a company which its revenue in 2015 was more than $20 Billion

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