Monday, October 10

Early Start of Winter

Winter started early this year. At least so far. I always mild and dry winters such as last year's. The first snow was seen on Fri. and a little the day after and then the next two days including today. I haven't still adopted myself to the weather(!) but I made a bad decision and bought a pair of waterproof Timberland from Camper Village for $125.98 today. I didn't want to do that especially with this disappointing situation in the economy that the city has by 9.5% unemployment which is the highest among the 30 main cities of Canada but before that I went to a local Wal-Nasty-Mart and tried two pairs of theirs and felt not really good! 
I know this is stupid but in the past 5 years I always needed a pair of shoe for winder and never bought because I don't like boots and was always concerned about the price but this year is no joke because this pair of Adidas I have and wear on daily basis is very easily broken and provides no protection against cold and rain. I do have a pair of Dakota work boots(!) which the damn company paid for it back in 2012 when I was sent to the site but those are heavy and not comfortable at all. I guess they cost some $350 but pour the ones who have to wear them in 12 hours shifts! I guess if I can pass the Basic Officer Training Qualification and other training and become an officer have to wear this kind of shit every day for hours. 
Anyways it's -2 C at the moment and the forecast says the next week will be dry. I hope the dryness won't last long. At the same time I need my exercises and perhaps a few good winter hikes.
(Photo: This is a popular hedge that you see almost on every street in Calgary with small Blueberry-like fruit and they are beautiful. In Autumn they turn red and yellow such as these one that I took near The Chef's house where they have frozen frost on them)

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