Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Thank You Toyota

It's the second day of the new year and temperature has gone up significantly. Many think that is a relief but I actually skidded and slide for the first time today because all of that hard ice and snow has tuned to slush. Nevertheless I'm here to say how amazing my car is and how excellent it performed during the extreme cold. Every morning and afternoon, on the way to work and on the way back to home in -25 ℃ temperature, only one twist of the ignition key and the engine was on!
After 8 years the car, a Toyota, has never given me trouble and I must say that I drive standard the type of car that many are not comfortable with. I hope I can get a good standard car once I need to replace this but it looks like this one is going to last many year. So here I have to say: Thank you Toyota. Keep up the excellent work.
This picture shows my car's thermometer and in fact it normally shows 2 degrees Celsius above the actual temperature!
I have Prius and one another car in mind, in case one day I'm buying a new one but we will see. I once asked a driver, before buying this car in late 2009, who he found the vehicle. He said he only had to change the tire all those years! 
(Photo, top: Kiichiro Toyoda who is credited for turning a loom works factory to what is known today as Toyota Motor Corporation, one of the most successful auto manufacturers of the world. Why the word Toyoda, the family name of the founder has been changed to Toyota, I will have to find out)

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