Tuesday, June 5

Lowering the Costs

With a shity job which demands too much and pays a little, and not only that, it makes me as tired as a dead man, this month I decided to lower my costs by switching to a Pre-paid Plan through a different service provide. I left Freedom Mobile, which I started disliking it a few months after I got it and rejoined Bell Mobility which I had a service a few years earleir.
Pre-paid mobile service is mostly for the people who are not approved by the service providers, I was told but I don't mind that. I have never had data plan on my phone, I don't make or receive many calls and I barely use text messages or any other services that people use on daily basis. So I came to this conclusion as why I have to pay $26.71 (tax included) every freeking month while I can pay as low as $15 (tax excluded). The guys at the booth tried to stop me(!) from getting the service and told me that was not good but I'm going to give it a try for a month or two to see how it works and then decide whether I like to keep it or change it.
(Photo: Bell Mobility coverage map for the country. Different colours mean different type of services but I don't care because they do not include me, probably, most of them!)

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