Thursday, July 9

The Final Cut

I finally had an offer which was accepted and now we're moving forward to make everything ready for possession. This, unfortunately is not as good as the home that I missed a number of weeks ago but it's not too bad. The construction was ended in 2018. So it's pretty new.
It's in one of the small towns near Calgary. That is what I wanted and now we're going to see how the things go. There are so many things to do to change the ownership of the property including:
1- Bank approval.
2- Home inspection
3- Legal things, association with lawyer
4- Utilities
5- Insurance
6- Moving
And possibly a few other minor things.
I went back and forth a few times with my realtor, who by the way is a very nice Caucasian lady, and eventually I was happy with what I got. The owner wanted to take a major appliance and needed a long time to move out, possibly to search for a bigger place. I gave them both in exchange of $2000 in price reduction! I'm not in rush to move in. So I gave them the ability to find their place and also I don't care about that piece of machine they are so attached to!
(Photo: I used the cover of the last album Pink Floyd as a four-member band made back in 1983, 37 years ago. I like the album but I dislike the fact that Waters turned to a complete ass during this album and thought he was such a hot shit! Obviously he was out and Pink Floyd performed successfully years after that. For me this offer was the final offer. Hopefully it turns well)

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