Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The challenges of the new Job

It will be one month since I have started this new position. People have been nice so far but I think it is because I still consider me a newbie! It also could be my position. I basically take no nonsense from no one! It is too early to judge though. The company wants me to do two tests to obtain 2 certificates and I would be reimbursed for the cost once I obtain such certificate. It's not but but I have no time to study. I barely am able to write this! Too tired and have to go to bed soon. 

That's one challenge that I will have to overcome to have this permanent position and hopefully:
1) I can either work until I retire,
2) Find a better position in 5 to 6 years, or 
3) Jump to the Government position in less than 4 months!

The other challenge, which became harder just last night is the commute. It took me nearly two and a half hours to reach work today! The distance that I normally cover in 65 to 70 minutes! I saw a shared accommodation just yesterday. A house with 6 or 8 rooms, I guess. The rooms were okay but could be cold in winter and the public area, the living room and the kitchen was a mess. It could easily turn to a pigsty when all the rooms are full, particularly in the weekend where I would not have been there, had I rented a room(!) but in the afternoon it would be chaotic! The original idea was wrong! I should get a 1-bedroom which will cost around $1000. It saves me lots of hours every week and tens of dollars of gasoline money but I need stuff and it would be a hassle to haul them all to the new apartment. Not to mention the damn lease, down payment, reference, proof of employment and all the shit you have to go through to rent an apartment for the job that you don't even know how long you would be there! 
(Photo: A semi-truck has is facing south while was driving north on Queen Elizabeth II Highway in central Alberta! I saw a number of vehicles engaged in incidents. Trucks, vans and sedans. I had to slow down to 40 km/h 937 miles/h] at times to be able to reach my distance in one piece!)

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