This recent helicopter crash of the former " Murderer " so-called President of The Islamic Republic Murderers of Iran, has created some ambiguity for the stupid people around the world, which I believe is nearly 99% of the population! Assholes who don't even know their asses from their elbows now are political analysts and each try to interpret the cause of the crash and the effect of that on the country and the region! Some try to show sympathy with Iranian people. Here is my short answer to these toilet-eater: You, including this nasty stray, syphilitic donkey, yes, nasty disgusting stupid syphilitic donkey, the UN secretary general, Antonio Guterres, is: Shut your filthy mouth and go die in a mudslide. I truly do not know how this person was elected or appointed to this position but what I do know is he is a nasty toilet aster and motherfucker disgusting male whore.
There's no doubt that the UN is nothing but a stupid and silly joke and this recent even proved that hundred percent! Have they ever been able to do something worthwhile?! No! They are just bunch of disgusting losers whom their best achievement in their pathetic life is leaving the stinking toilet where their mothers gave birth to them and live in New York City on other people's expenses!
But why I am writing about this now with that title and so much anger, might be interesting to some. I normally do not write about the past or the life in the old country. Not because it has been years. It's mainly because these notes are about this side of the globe but there are times that what happens at this side has something to do with the other side and it's interconnected and tied. That's when I write about it.
With that I tell the story of my dear departed aunt and I'll connect it to my current situation at this side of the globe. My lovely aunt, from my father's side, was single as long as I could remember. I never knew and to this day I don't know what happened to her marriage but I know that her husband left her with two little kids shortly after their birth and my aunt was then supported by my Dad. She had two other sisters but they had their own family and despite their help and support, the majority of the time she got helped from my father. We lived in a two story building, nothing like what we have here in North America. My aunt lived in the first floor with her kids and we in the second. The two stories were completely separate and independent and had everything that a single-family house has but since this kind of house is not common here, you might have difficulty imagining how it could happen! To make it easy for everyone, imagine a duplex but in a two-story building instead of side-by-side.
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This black and white picture show a member of The People's Mujahidin of Iran Organization killed during Merdad Operation with a number of their vehicles destroyed and burnt at the side of the road. |
It was very difficult for my aunt to control these kids. So when the so-called Islamic Revolution was in play(!) in the early 80's, her daughter, my cousin, who is much older than me, became a supporter of The People's Mujahidin of Iran Organization, and got arrested in safehouse and thrown in the jail! I think she was in her mid 20's or something but I cannot be sure. Then her son, the coward, ran away like a filthy mouse, illegally, of course by crossing into Turkey! Why? It was the time that Iran and Iraq were in an intense fight and the asshole was afraid that he might be killed! So her Mom paid smugglers, by selling their vehicle(!) so this pile of stinking shit could run away! He later left Turkey, as the country is the hub for this type of creatures, and settled down in Denmark where he has been living for over 30 years now! That was the hard time for my aunt as she became lonely. So now the only thing that would give her hope and cause for living was top visit her daughter in the jail and receive a letter from her son, as there was no Internet available in those years. I don't know if my aunt developed the habit of talking to herself in those years but it had been started earlier when the husband had gone and she was left alone with two kids but I noticed that years after. Then it came the time that the UN Resolution # 598 was accepted by Iran and the 8-year-old war winded down. The so-called People's Mujahidin of Iran Organization used the opportunity and crossed into Iran from their bases, many Camp Ashraf and captured a few villages and towns. Iranians were surprised and angry but regrouped their troops and mascaraed them on their way to a major city, Kermanshah, by surrounded them in a mountainous strait called Chahar-zebar, which later was renamed to Mersad. The surprise attack got the Supreme Leader so angry that he ordered the political prisoners to be excused, even the ones who were spending their time and were supposed to be freed in a year or few months, unless they admit they were wrong. The exact number of the people who were executed is not know but it is estimated between 3000 and 5000. My cousin, my aunt's daughter was miraculously survived, I thought later because no one knew about the mass execution at the time! I found out that she was amongst the few who admitted that she was guilty and wrong and signed the paper that they had asked her to do. Basically she turned her back to her comrades and saved herself!
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Iranian troops inspected the remains of The People's Mujahidin of Iran burnt vehicles after Mersad Operation |
Now with that in mind, this bastard who was killed in the helicopter crash was amongst the people who organized and conducted the mass execution! Not only that, in the period that he served as the President he ordered to shoot demonstrations on sight. No you can see why I'm angry and want that toilet-face Portuguese animal to apologize to people of Iran for holding a memorial for a murderer.
And last we reach to the point where I'm telling you how I have become George! This is a line from the greatest sitcom of all time, Seinfeld! In this episode called The Opposite, George who have several issues from job, residence and being lonely, dates a woman whom not only help him to get a job at the New York Yankees organization but also becomes a very companion for him. While George's quality of life increases significantly as a result of this relationship, Elaine faces a few issues which leads to her losing her apartment and her job! So, in this scene she's sitting in front of Jerry in Monk's Coffee House and they're talking and Elaine goes: I've become George which now that I've said the story is obvious what in means! As per my situation, while is not quite similar to the Elaine's, is somehow reminds me of my aunt's. I must have to add that my aunt was such a lovely lady that she was the only person who called me from the old country, in addition to my mom, until she was alive. I have asked several women out and all I got was a negative answer. So I spend most of my time at home and at time I talk to myself(!) which it reminds me of my dear departed aunt. There's no friend. I cut all of them of! With my car being not is such a good shape, hiking is so far fetched these days! So, I'm going to work tomorrow! I'm not disappointed and without prospects, just like my aunt was not. I have lots of projects lined up for me but in a way I've become George and that's in my aunt's way.
(Photo, top: Elaine is sitting in front of Jerry, telling him what has recently happened to her)
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