Monday, June 19, 2023

End of one Misery, beginning of another!

I got back to misery after almost 6 years, again: Unemployment! I was shown the letter that the manager had written this last Fri. morning. The funny thing is I kind of predicted that but I was hoping it was just being pessimist! I was not! This was the last weeks of the project and everyone had to do this silly online safety course to be able to continue work. Guess who was the only person never was ask to do it? I was!
We started our daily work and at around 10:00 or something the guys were taking a break. At this time I saw the supervisor walking toward me. He asked me to go to his office to have a word and he handed me the letter. Another funny thing is the so-called P. M. was sitting there and I had just seen him pulling to the parking lot a minute ago! This is how great this outfit was. The P. M. goes around to hand out lay off papers! 
I was then escorted(!) of the premises after collecting my stuff and returning the company's properties! Bad experience.  I have saved a bit of money and I was hoping to get a job before or shortly after being laid off so I can by a good vehicle to replace this old one but I guess I can't! At least not until I get another job! It's the first day that I do not work, officially! I already have sent my request for E. I. and I know it will take time to kick in. I sent my last time-sheet and I also am hopeful for my vacation and statutory day pays. I, like many others, had the privilege of purchasing items with company coupons. I used them all and ordered the things I liked. I'm waiting for them as well. All I got to do is studying (for my exam. of 28.Sep.) and keep looking for positions. The supervisor asked me if I had been looking for positions and I said yes! He asked me if that was the reason why I was taking too many hours?! I told him that I had to see a physician as well as having a laboratory test but one of them was actually the long phone screening I just had. The thing is this asshole never looked at all the long hours that I spent in that miserable and dirty job with all the other assholes, worse than him but it's okay. I'm done with all that now. 
Note: The P. M. highlighted here is the person who replaced the P. M. who was let go, his story was told last Dec. and could be read by simply clicking on P. M., here. They used to work together. not so brilliant though!
(Photo: The long battle of position searching and interviews just got started)

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