Saturday, September 02, 2023

Confluence Park

Sometimes it doesn't matter how long you live in an area, it seems there're still places that you haven't seen, even for me who always is looking for new places to discover. I try to avoid the places that I've been, as much as I can but it's not always possible and cost more too! For example for jogging that I'be been doing it for the past 3 months or so, it's boring to do the usual neighbourhood. I, at times go to Nose Hill Park and I even have done my jogging in Downtown pathways! 
Today I decided to go where to this green area that has passed by few times. I checked the map and when I was there, the signed said: Confluence Park. I had never been to this place! I took the pathway and despite the drought the park was green. But what was greener was the adjacent golf course which was busy. The park's pathway which is part of Nose Creek Pathway goes up and you have a nice view of the course. Despite the warmth, it was not a bad walk and then I turned the other way and walk towards east which basically gets you close to Deerfoot Tr. I certainly didn't want to hear the traffic noise, besides there seem to be a bunch of people there, so there were good reasons to avoid there! (Hell is other people!). I ran the way back and continued a little bit to complete my 21 minutes. It'd be new jogging spot at least once a week until I get a job because I know it'd not be very easy to continue exercises but I do it now that I have the chance.
(Photo: I took a panoramic by my phone. I think it looks nice. There was an eagle circling above when first I enter the park and then sat in a tree in the center of this photo, which I don't think it can be seen)

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