Monday, September 04, 2023

The Neighbours


There's this couple in my neighbourhood whom I had a few interactions with, some not very pleasant! But they're neighbours. You can fight with someone you see them every day. We have a couple of sayings in the old country:

1) A neighbour is closer than a family.

2) Up to 20 doors down, is consider your neighbour.

Some might laugh at these but there was a time that it was true. Maybe not so much these days but I'm now happy that my relationship with this crazy couple has been patched up now! I made a compliment once after they had some encouraging worlds about my jogging and that resulted in getting a good amount of fresh herbs and vegetables! It was leaned against my entrance one morning:

1) Parsley

2) Italian Basil

3) Thai Basil (a bit different from the one above! I don't know what really the difference is. That's how they name it differently)

4) Coriander (it is consider the same thing as Cilantro but what I saw was different! In fact I think that was Cilantro seed!)  

5) Swiss Chard (Not my thing usually because not available or popular in the old country and Ice Berg or Persian Cucumber is my main ingredient for salad but here people adore it as a member of their salad)

6) Tomato and Cherry Tomato

7) Red Hot Pepper

8) And Red Potato! (This one, honestly I don't know where could have been grown but will ask them!)

The smell of the Basil was and still is incredible. Now I'm feel reciprocity! I need to give them something and not just once, Perhaps more than once! It was an incredible generosity. Of course I have thanked them but the thing is I didn't expect that from them at all and that's 

Swiss Chards are very colurful and they say they have good health benefits
because of the impressions that I had from them. This is quite similar to the encounter I had with the truck guy a little while back. Unfortunately I was afraid to approach him and now that I've lost his number, there's no way to make it up to him. 
(Photo, top: I just put a few of the amazing-looking produce/herbs together and took this photo. I still have to try them yet! The green one is coriander seed)

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