Monday, June 24

A Night in Flooded Calgary

I wanted to have a walk in Downtown to see what was going on after 2 days so I left home at around 22:45 hours. I first wanted to get on the train but I was not sure if the train was in service. Besides that I wanted to have a walk because I have had so much during the day. 
So the west side of the downtown was almost OK and the closer I got to the east the darker it got. Police cruisers were seen here and there with the officers watching for the opportunists, the fucking looters. 
When I got to Eau Clare Market I the entire area was blacked out and I am not sure if residents were in their  apartments or not. There was a police car parked at a corner and I guess as soon as they saw me they directed their light at me. I quickly rouse my hands and started walking the other direction but the car started coming to me so I turned around and walked toward them. After greeting they asked me what I was doing there. I told them that I was checking to see what was going on. Then he asked me where I worked. My prompt answer was a good sign that after a few more minutes I said goodbye and added that I was going to a train station to go home.
Water is being pumped out of the residences adjacent to Bow River. This was around 23:45 hours last night
Just 3 blocks away from where I saw the first pair of officers another cruiser just stopped in front of me and after exchanging a few words and answering a few questions I carried on. It is really good that CPS has everything under control because there are lots of people who are just waiting for something like this to loot the evacuees belonging. Just remember Katrina in New Orleans a few years back or the recent disaster in the US where looters took people's belonging and looted stores. By the time I got home it was almost 00:20 hours.
(Photo: On Louise Bridge looking at west, it's easily seen that half of downtown is experiencing a power outage. The C-train is not in service and will not be for the next 2 weeks or more due to damages to two or more station in McLeod Tr.)

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