Saturday, October 15, 2022

Worse than Child Labour in Canada!

These Western countries, all of them, from the biggest one, the US to the tiniest ones such as Holland and Belgium are all hypocrites to the fullest. I'm not saying that the other countries don't do awful things. They don't broadcast against it the way these ones do. One of the subjects is Child Labour. They name African, Central and South American and Asian countries as the ones that part of their economy is handled by child labour. How about Canada? What's the difference between an 8-year-old and an idiot 22-year-old who doesn't understand things very well!? Oh! I forgot! They're bigger and are able to do things which the younger children cannot!
So as long as someone is a good slave and reaches an age which could be beneficial to the big corporations and eventually CRA, " They're not children " anymore and could be used! 
I once saw a young guy between 18 and 20 who acted like primary school kids! He was walking at the side of the site road with ear buds in his ears, marching(!) and singing loudly! Heavy trucks go up and down that road constantly and could easily run him over any minute. I yelled at him, to get his attention and the dolt didn't hear me and was lucky that no truck was there at the time! 
Isn't he a child in mind? I know it's not all his fault. Where the hell is safety here? And let's not forget the role of parents. The parents kick their children out as soon as they can. Why? It's simple. They want to be comfortable at home and have less expenses. It's not important to them weather the kid is ready to be exposed to everything or not. The ones who keep them on want their money! And the reason why they keep them on until the age of 18 is that the Government pays them child support! Who knows what that money is spent on and who cares! 
Another example is a bunch of workers, including a woman(!) who thinks she's special(!) traveled to a spot at the site and dumped a few metallic pieces!! If I had a monkey and plainly explained to him the nature of dumping and housekeeping, I'm certain that he would understand better than those morons! Someone later came and moved that! The funny thing is a stupid monkey (which I'm not going to reveal his details here because I don't want to be accused of racism!) walked up to us who were performing a test and asked what we were doing! He did the same thing to me a few hours later! I asked him if he had anything else to do. He went " I'm done "! These people are worse than children! The country needs them though! There's barely any day that you turn the news on, and you don't hear the term " labour shortage "! Where the hell do you take all these people whom you dump them on Canadian soil every month?! Why don't they want to work? 
The Government think simply by opening the door and let everyone in can resolves the country's issue or labour shortage and it's not true. The brings more issue to the country not solutions. However this fact shall not be forgotten that the Government is pushed by big corporations through lobbyists!
(Photo: This particularly is my own statement through my career!) 

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