Thursday, July 13, 2023

E. E. (Exhausting Exam!)

You're probably familiar with acronym A. A. It stands for Alcoholic Anonymous, in case you didn't know. Not that I ever had to participate but I think in a society such as Canada, it's a necessity! I don't know the detail of this meeting but I think a few people who suffer from alcohol addiction are brought together, without having to expose their identity (that's why it is called anonymous) and this meeting, is supposed to help them to overcome this issue.  The only time I somehow got involved, indirectly, was the time that I worked as a Bylaw Enforcement Officer, in another city of another province and controlling the parked vehicles was part of our job. To be exact, tagging them or if it was necessary, have them towed. 
Despite the low wage, it was quite satisfying job! I even remember that I had a person's vehicle towed in Christmas Eve, once! I owed a lot on my credit cards those years, perhaps over $700 and although I was married, my wife did not work. I once noticed a vehicle, I think it was a Mercedes, parked in an RCMP designated spot. I was almost over with the ticket when an old lady approached me and asked me to stop. She indicated that the owner of the vehicle was in the A. A. Meeting in the RCMP detachment. I don't remember if I cancelled the ticket or not but she was quite upset. Perhaps she expected us to know where the driver was, considering we were Law Enforcement Officers! 
I even got an interview for a position as a Jail Guard in that detachment once but it didn't go anywhere. The wage was much higher and there was room for advancement but now I think if I had spent all those years on something more up my alley, I would not have been sitting at home now! 
With that story in mind, we get to this new acronym that I just came up with today: E. E.! It stands for Exhausting Examination! I applied for a  job back in, I think it was May. This week I received a message regarding an examination. There was enough time for the exam but I was told it would not take more than 1 to 2 hours! It took a whole lot longer than that, may be 8! This was exhausting! The bad thing was I had a slight headache after that! I never get headaches! Maybe one or twice in my entire life as a result of a cold. I realized it had nothing to do with the exam! It was the damn air from all wildfires! 
Now all I have to do is to wait for the headache to go away, maybe tomorrow and then wait for the result of the exam., perhaps the next week.
(Photo: I still have one exam left and that will be in late Sep. I'm not going to shit jobs before I write this exam and pass it. If I can't find something good for the next while then I will have to grab whatever I can)

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