Saturday, January 06, 2024

The almost Unbelievable Results

One week into 2024 and there hasn't been anything like the previous days! Just work and work and of course that disgusting sickness which hasn't completely left me! 
One thing happened though and that was receiving the result of the Government Job which I think will be in Quebec, if I get it. I have been accepted and added to the pool! While this is a surprise, the statement is self-explanatory! Perhaps the only reason that I passed the interview is that it was not the final selection! As far as I remember they needed 6 people and now probably they have selected double that number or even more but I don't know what the next step would be. It looks like that I can settle down where I work here and I will even be able to move somewhere closer but it's had to say which one would be better. I have forgotten the salary that they offer but a Government job is always a Government job!
(Photo: I, of course, was not as happy as this fella when I read that I have passed the interview a couple of days ago. Mainly because it says that I have been added to a pool of candidates and then because I have a job which is not bad)

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