Saturday, March 09, 2024

My first Apple Pie

Winter is the proper time for backing. At least for me. I turn the oven on to make something delicious and make the house warm as well! Sounds cheap? It's not! Home baking isn't cheap, if you use the proper or perhaps I shall say good ingredients. This time I decided to make Apple Pie and the result was spot on! As always I used Whole Wheat Flour which is way healthier than the cheap item they use in massive-backing factories. I used Granny Smith Apples and a little, probably only three tablespoons, of Brow Sugar. My way of preparing the Crust was just following the same method as preparing dough for the Flat Bread, which worked fine. I must add that I do not peel the Apples because that way, if you chew completely and properly(!) it is way better for your stomach and generally the digestion system. When it came out of the oven hot, it was amazing! I think not using much sugar it gave it a little bit taste sourness but that was still okay.

A closeup of the pie shows the texture and the pieces of apple with the skin on
Next time I might use one extra tablespoon or simply use another type of Apple. I was going to offer a slice to The Old Gal to reopen the negotiations(!) since she dodged me the last time I was approaching home, and I think it was because I have not contacted her since last Nov. but then I said F*ck it! I don't need her! I've lived my life alone for the mist of my life. I'm not going to beg a women because I feel I need someone physically or emotionally!

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