Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Holly Moses, Smell the Roses!

A heat wave took over the province this past Fri. I was on Q. E. II with no Air Conditioner or even the windows down(!) and it was hot but not unbearable. I then turn the fan on and put it on cold, of course, it sucks some air in and I think the suction takes the temperature a little bit down.it felt good. A cattle driver, in the mean time was catching up. As soon as he got in front of me, although it was not very close, probably 30 meters (nearly 100 feet) the strong smell of cows sneaked in! I immediately turned the fan off. Fortunately it was not so hot that I could not take it. The guy sped off and then it was me and the fan again! The heat is supposed to be going down at the end of the week but still it's feels too far away. I think it'd be best if I cancelled any hiking plan for this weekend or I will spend another $200 without getting much out of it.
(Photo: Lot of similar trucks are seen on roads everyday. They take live stock to processing plants)

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