Monday, July 08, 2024

Should I Forget Hiking for Good?!

I decided to give Abraham Mountain another try after almost 2 years, yesterday. So I woke up at 04:30 and then like a lazy loser I wonder if I shall go or not! I decided to go eventually and headed north on Q. E. II. By the time I reached the outskirts of Red Deer and wanted to get a cup of coffee, it was almost 05:50(!) and had to wait until the damn McDonald's open! Then I headed east and of course it felt longer because there was nobody next to me to yap nonsense and I tried to keep myself buy with music until I reached Nordegg. I had to use the washroom and I'm sorry to say that but that happens every time I attempt a hike! I get a coffee and in half an hour I have to pull over into someplace because the coffee does its job!
I, then, was able to start the hike almost at 09:00, only 1 hours earlier than the last time, which soon I realized it was not much better! I think it was a different route this time because very soon I realized that I needed my gloves and they're not regular gloves for cold because it was not cold, of course. They were sort of gripping gloves like motorcycle gloves, perhaps I can say. The sharp surface of rock would have ripped my hands to pieces, had I not worn them. I soon realized why Alphonso opted out after only half an hour, the last time but I kept going. At that point I was quite confident that I was able to keep going but then I hit a few dead-ends and exposed areas and had to claim back down and I thought I shall take a break. Knowing that I only had a small can, I drank a few drops, adjusted the stupid backpack, which I will rid off soon, because it's useless and continued going.
Wood Lily is common in the area at low elevations
It only took another hour until I realized that I cannot carry on with the hike any more! It was really hot and the damn heavy backpack was bothering me a lot. I was sweating and breathing heavily and that was it! Coming back down was no fun either but by the time I was at the vehicle again it, almost 04:15 hours since my departure and I had finished the water!
If you really want to complete this hike avoid the mistakes I made:

1) Start as early as you can. I'd say 05:00 from the trailhead. For that you either to have the night in Nordegg or in a camp area close by or you have to drive a long distance like I did and screwed the hike! 

2) Pack as light as possible. Next time I'm going I'm taking water, a very small bag of snacks, maybe 100 g. and spare windbreaker.

3) Have enough water and good beverages ready in the vehicle for the time you're returning. 
(Photo: Abraham Lake from the 2-hour point of the hike. At this stage you have nearly one third of the hike only!)

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