Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Is this a Good Course?

What really is a good course? Perhaps most of the people would say the one with not many quiz and an easy final examination. How about a course without any quiz and no final examination! Sounds like a dream to students! That is the course that I had in the past two days!
The first day was really tough. Not because I had difficulty following the subject. I had difficulty concentrating. I had a gout flare which became fatal(!) in the morning of Monday. It was so bad that I left work early to be able to reach the clinic and bit the crowd. The difference was significant: Nearly 3 hours(!), in comparison to the time I was there in March! It was not mainly because I was early! It was because there were not many patient. This is not the subject of this post but I want to write about it a bit.
There were three women who had cut themselves in hand and another one who had been bitten by a dog! Imagine how earlier I would have been released, if there people were careful! Not much! There were treated somewhere different in the facility. 
Yesterday and today gave me the chance to rest and get my medicine as well as doing the course that I will simply just submit the receipt of the amount I paid. Should I say it was lame? Perhaps. The lamest courses I have taken they always had examinations. This one was just beyond that. For that I keep the name of the organization to myself. I had a questions which were answered although not as well as I expected but realized some good points that will help me with my job. Can I say that the month is just ending well? I really do not consider these things but this is an exemption. I stayed home for two days. Drove 0 km to work, had a free course and finished around 14:00 today. Shall there be any complains? Perhaps nothing after I get my certificate, my money and the course material! 
Update, 04.Aug.2024: I realized then that in order to get the certificate, I not only had to review the entire course and answer the quiz questions, but I also had to participate in an online final examination with 50 questions and get at least 70%. I did and I got over 88%!
(Photo: This was the first time that I had an online course and I must admit: I did not dislike it. The only difference was that everyone's face was concealed but the instructor! You could read the names and hear everyone's voice. It reminded me of Taliban who ask women to cover their faces!)

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