Wednesday, October 21

A Memory of the Devastating War

I asked my friends and relatives whether they had any memory from the first days of the devastating 8-year Iran-Iraq War on its 35th anniversary which was less than a month ago and all of those silly buggers only got a few answers:

1) A friend whom I used to be a classmate with on grade 5 and grade 7 and then we both went to the same engineering school but did different programs said that he did not remember much and those days were no truly the days he would have wanted to remember. Fair enough. 

2) The other friend that we also went to the same engineering school but were on different majors responded as well. I remember that we also studied for an Physics-Electricity course and we both failed! He now is in California and doing well of course after several ups and down. He mentioned that he did not remember anything and that day was not a special day for him. OK.

3) Mom wrote me about the first horrible months of the war which also brought bad memories to my mind. I hope she had not been upset very much when she was writing those down. She wrote that the silly, maniac Khomeini said, after knowing that Iraqi plane jets had bombed border villages and killed poor people, and she quoted: These guys came and dropped a few rocks!!! This bastard devastated everything by insisting on war and encouraging people to continue. To him it did not matter how many would have killed. His words must have been followed. She also wrote that my brother's health started deteriorating right on those days in a way that now he is under the care of specialist even after 35 years. Not much improvement. 

4) And finally one of my cousins, M. R., to make it specific for myself, the male one, replied. He also referred to the same stupid quota of the murderer Khomeini. I always though when people said that they were mocking him but that was true he was that careless, selfish, cruel and stupid and that's why the country is in the situation that it is now! 
(Photo: School kids are killed after Iraqi planes bombed Dezful. Apparently lack of social media on those days made what the Iraqi did legible! People were complaining why the US was killing civilians in Iraq. Well that was pay back time for Iraqis and still is. No doubt they are paying for what they had done to Iranians, Kurds, Shia and Kuwaitis)

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