Tuesday, October 6

Brown-Lowery Provincial Park

This past weekend I had this plan to a park which had been found on the map long time ago but never was given the chance to be discovered: Brown-Lowery Provincial Park some 35 Km from the city limits. I woke up very early at around 05:30 not knowing that the real fall of Alberta is not really easy to deal with particularly in the early morning! I guess it was around °C but felt much colder. I drove all the way to Spruce Meadows Tr. but still was very dark(!) so I decided to check a local McDonald's for a coffee. The place was like most of the McDonald's: A garbage dump. A fucking stupid Oriental guy was walking with broom and mop and when he saw me decided to help with my order. He leaned his stuff against the ice cream cone machine(!) and intended to come to take my order! Fortunately there was a girl who jumped in and got me the coffee, not that she was much cleaner than the guy or something but what the hell can I expect? It's freaking McDonald's'! 
Anyways I couldn't sit in that depressing environment any longer so I left with 3/4 of my cup still full and headed toward the park. Since I had written down everything in detail on a piece of paper, I didn't have any difficulty finding the place but surprisingly similar to one of the other trips there was not even one single sign until I reached the park. 
This is a very small park and is signed very well. There is a map at almost every intersection which is very good. It is separated from the nearby ranches and other private properties by fence and one can walk around in about 2.5 hours to see everything. I first went to this spot called Eagle View on the map but not much was visible due to fog. Alberta Parks website indicates different types of species could be seen in the park but I doubt that since animals have no intention to trap themselves in a very small area. I only heard a few birds and a Squirrel and that was it and I was done in about 2 hours. At one time I thought I was lost and went the same part of trail two times but soon realized I was right so went back and got myself to the parking lot. There was nobody around the entire time and because of the wet condition and muddy ground I fell two times! The place might be nice to visit in spring and summer when all the flowers come out. I might check next year and I would like to see why it is called Brown-Lowery! It could be names of the people who donated the lot of established the park. 
(Photo: A trail in the park is carpeted with fall fallen leaves)

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