Monday, April 2

How Did I Start Saving on Fuel through ESSO?

RBC announced they would cease their collaboration with Esso last year. I had an Esso Visa card with the bank for a long time and they changes it to a regular visa after that. However I had years of points accumulated in my card which although I was not worry about them much, I wanted to keep and eventually use them. 
Esso sent me a reward card when the visa card was cancelled and I was told that my points had been transferred to the new card. I decided to check the card a few weeks ago and the attendant told me that I had loads of points which could be used to get gasoline for free. That felt good and I got $30 worth of fuel for the first time. The price of gasoline has significantly gone up in the past 2 weeks or so and that is in addition to the hike it had received after the government implemented Carbon Tax. Why is that? I have no idea. That could be the result of price of crude going up but I stopped listening and watching the news months ago because it's mostly nonsense!
It would have been much more gasoline, had I started using the card earlier but I didn't because I usually pay as little attention as possible to these details. 
(Photo: An old Esso gas station in an unknown location, most likely in the US. Esso was founded in 1912 in Texas and has been around since)

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