Saturday, March 31

Scraping Hard

I wanted to get out quickly yesterday morning to get in to my volunteer work because I only had yesterday and today and with the disappointing results of Jan. and Feb. I wanted to get everything done. So I went out I guess at around 08:00 and when I realized under a thin layer of wet snow there was a hard thin layer of ice on the windshield, windows and back glass which would barely come off! 
I grabbed the scraper and in the early cold quiet morning of March tried to remove the ice. Not easy! It was screeching so loudly and coming off hardly! I had not seen such ice ever before! I even had to do the side windows because the ice was so thick that you couldn't see clearly. I eventually got as much as I needed to drive safely, done after probably 15 min.!
(Photo: This photo clearly shows that there are two layers on the windshield: sticky hard ice and then wet snow)

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