Thursday, July 26

1 Billion Bugs!

I had a plan to hike in Bob Creek area and reach a summit in there last weekend. Hard work and laziness combined together and prevented me to go. Basically most of the day was waste. In the afternoon though I decided to have a walk in one of the parks in the city and it was not just a simple decision. I had to! I ate two medium Vegetarian Pizza from Pizza Hut and I felt really heavy! In fact I wanted to eat have of the first one and keep the next one for Mon. but it was tasty and I finish them both! 
I went to Fish Creek Provincial Park and what kind of mistake that was! A bad mistake. It was hot and there were a billion bugs everywhere! I don't think they were mosquitos because I didn't bitten not once but they were very disturbing and they were almost everywhere. The timing was wrong too! It was very sunny and hot and just after perhaps an hour or so I decided to leave.
This, I think, is what is called Saskatoon Berry. I have purchased this from a farm in Southern Calgary called The Saskatoon Farm and it was not bad but picking fresh from the tree [if it's called tree!] is different. These can be easily seen at the sides of trails in Glenmore Park as well as Bow River Trail in Downtown Calgary)
I felt it was too early to go home because I needed more walk to help to digest those Pizzas! So I went to Glenmore Park on my way back. It was not that bad. Not that many bugs and not crowded and not that hot. I tasted wild Saskatoon Berry or at least this is what I think they were! They were sweet and tasty. Walked for nearly an hour and decided to go back. I hoped I could see the Deer again but they were not there! 
(Photo, top: While in Fish Creek Provincial Park I saw a Pelican on the Elbow River bank and took this photo from it but it's not so good. I used the new lens but did adjust the light correctly. The sun was behind me and the Pelican being all white, reflected all the light from the environment and the result is what you see)

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