Friday, March 8

The Most Beautiful Work Experience Ever

Four people have been asked to leave and one has left on his own decision since I started this job a little more than 15 months ago. However the most beautiful happened today! So beautiful that I still when think of it cannot stop smiling. Not to mention I laughed really loudly when I was at work! But what happened? The Farm Boy got himself in such a big trouble that got canned!
The first four, first(!):
The first one was a retard, and I'm not being rude or disrespectful, he truly was a retard, who had difficulty performing the simplest assigned task. It was known from the second day but the supervisor decided to keep him on perhaps because he was a Caucasian fella! He was there until he really proved himself as a slow, moron! He even refrained from making telephone calls to service providers by simply stating that he was not comfortable doing that! The interesting thing was that the guy was married and would receive job offers through telephone calls regularly! It's hard for me to imagine the woman whose married to him. The best job for him, I would say, was cleaning and even that should be supervised.
The next fella was a Caucasian as well who seemed to be reasonable and better than the first one. He had done some course in SAIT but because had not been able to find the job he wanted in that field, in the city(!), joined the company, through a recruiting agency. The guy was a martial artist and have traveled to all over Eastern Asia. He could've been a good trip partner for going to, for example, Japan one of the places that I always have wanted to go but just after the company moved to a bigger and newer location, just after he thought that he'd be a permanent team, they kicked him out! He was not a bad guy but his main focus was his training and then he had issues at work such as being slow or simply inactive. Unless you told him what he needed to do, he would wander around. He also was late at times and would overstay his breaks. Nevertheless when the supervisor told me that he would not be coming back, I was quite surprised because I didn't think that his work was that bad. Besides he was Caucasian. I have written about the third one but the last one, the forth one was a really interesting character. He was a Caucasian fella who joined while the third guy was still here! He seemed to know everything. Skilled and experienced but kind of crazy. He was most of the time late and always hyped! Couldn't sit for 2 minutes straight. Eventually after a little more than 1 month he missed a few days and was late for one and that was it. The supervisor asked the related company not to send him back here again!
Then this non-African Black fella guy joined replacing the last fired one. He seemed an understanding and nice guy. The relationship of The Farm Boy was OK with him. However I knew that was only the beginning. The Farm Boy has a nice approach for the first few days and then cannot control himself and shows his real him. So one day that the supervisor was away The NAB (stands for non-African Black) went to the area that The Farm Boy was working to get a tool. The Farm Boy made a big deal out of that and said that safety rules are violated! He then went to the manager and complained about The NAB. This issue was also brought to the attention of the supervisor the next day. It was then decided to have a safety meeting presented by The Farm Boy(!) and issues as such to be brought up to the attention of the team! This truly shows how pathetic the supervisor is because The Farm boy neither is qualified nor had the authority to hold a safety meeting. 
On the day of the safety meeting, in the morning The Farm Boy started his fight right from the beginning of the shift. I and The NAB were discussing two subjects and he went: You guys are doing nothing but yapping! I told him: Why don't you discuss that in today's meeting and invite the manager as well?! He and The NAB had a few other exchanges of words and in the afternoon things got worse. I saw the supervisor was talking to him and then the manager came out and called him to his office. Then after that when The NAB went to get a product from a shelf, he said later, that The Farm Boy had attacked him verbally again! Then I saw the supervisor storming out of the office while saying that he wanted to get some fresh air! The Farm Boy had come back and was doing something! The supervisor said that he could not take it anymore! So when The Farm Boy later asked if we were having the meeting(!) I was quite surprised! Unless you have sever mental issues you would not treat people of your work-place like that and then ask if they would attend your stupid meeting! The supervisor told him that there would be no meeting. I saw him then on the phone and then dressing to go out. The NAB was a little mad and thought that this guy was able to do anything now that he's canned! He told me that if he does anything to his car, which in fact was his gf's car (a new one!) I'd better call the ambulance! He's not a masculine guy but he's tall and has big hands and more importantly he's Black and we all now that they are mostly very strong physically. So when I told him that The Farm Boy was not inside anymore he went outside to check on the car. Fortunately, for The Farm Boy and The NAB, nothing had happened to the car but I would have loved to see what he had done to The Farm Boy, had he touched his car! He later when we all were gathered told us that The Farm Boy had asked him what he was doing " in his area "!! That was the moment that I was laughing so hard! This guy's life has been so miserable that he didn't have a $500 car to drive to work! And now he owned part of the work-place?! 
The other funny thing is he's scheduled for a training in late March and I bet he was so excited to go and enjoy all the free stuff! Now that he's kicked out, he not only has lost his job, but also his dream of a few days vacation is dead! Not to mention that now that he's without a job, he would most likely lose the battle over the custody of his children. The other thing that the supervisor said was that the current marriage of his also is at stake. 
This whole story proved to me one thing: Our supervisor, despite a few good attributes that he has, is an immature, inexperienced and idiot! I had told him on a previous similar situation, when he had done the same stupid things to, that he could not change The Farm Boy. He insisted that he would! And now less than a month he was so boiled inside and fumed that he needed to go and get fresh air! There was the same issue with the retard as well. I knew just after the third day that he would not be able to work to the level of standard that the supervisor wanted but he kept him for as long as a few weeks. And then there was this African guy who left after less than a week. The whole work does not, in fact require as many people that he hires. There are as many as 5 people at this section while it could be easily ran by three. The supervisor simply wants to sit on his butt most of the day and does stupid unnecessary things such as making useless lists that no one even looks at them or because they are not properly made, they don't work.
This was the end of an idiot who I can call him obnoxious, belligerent, stupid and finally a true nutcase!
(Photo: I selected this picture because The NAB used a good analogy when he was describing The Farm Boy: He said he was walking on the edge of a cliff. Now he's falling! He will go all the way and will hit hard)

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