Monday, May 13

Rising from the Ashes?!

I got the second chance to rewrite my test again the distressful failure I had, this past weekend. I studied a little bit more and of course I'm not going to say even a word about the subjects that I had to focus on but when I started I felt much better but then the climb started! 
The questions started to become harder and I was watching my time. I skipped a few big ones and continued to the end and I realized I still was doubtful about a number of them! 
In a nutshell the test was not easier than the first one. It was just the fact that I had studies a little more. Had I not been the miserable, careless, lazy ass in the first place, I would have passed. 
This was notified to us (the two in the class) today before noon and what's amazing, and I'm appreciated for that, id the support that I got from the classmates and the instructors! A number of instructors reached me either in the class or in the corridors and talked to me and gave me confidence. That was just amazing. Classmates, I have to admit, that they were awesome. A good number of them told me, and I believed them, that they were nervous for me! As per me I was still hopeful but I had doubts that I would pass. Same feeling that I had the first time with the difference that it was a bit better but still wasn't sure. I even packed(!) part of my stuff, cleaned the room and everyone I saw in the mess hall or anywhere told them that I doubted that I would pass. 
If I want to break down the final result and compare the two, this would be depicted as follows: 

Total number of courses: 19.
Number of courses passed in the first take: 7
Number of courses passed in the second take: 13

I must add that even if a student fails one question from one course, that course is considered a fail but not every course has the same number of questions. 
Now I have to focus on the second part of the program. We don't have much time.
(Photo: I use this beautiful painting of Phoenix for this post. I hope the artist does not mind. Courtesy of a young lady artist named Olesea

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