Friday, May 31

Stupid, Lying Pervert

There's this guy that I've known him before the training started. A group of of us got matched by the training center before going to the in-person training to practice on some minor topics. Despite a good start, our relationship was faded away after only 3 weeks or less. I think race played a major role although he pretended that it didn't have to do anything with that. 
I'm not a cellphone guy and for that I normally responded late to his messages but then he did the same and there was no exchange anymore after that. 
I then realized that he hang out more with girls than men(!), hugging them, kissing them and touching them on butt and everywhere else! I was quite surprised to see him acting like a pervert especially when he's married with one little kid and one of the women is divorced with two kids! 
This as*hole started lying from the get-go! He said that he was making $200,000 a year but there was something that he felt he was missing in life and decided to join the training (at the age range of 40-45!) to find what he was missing (with a newborn kid less than 2 year-old!). Then as a liar usually has a short memory, he one day forgot that he had lied and said that he had been a home-dad for over a year! 
one time he became aggressive and insulting as well but I shut him down by simply saying " Calm Down " because I know if anything happens, they take his side and I'm out of here in a matter of minute! 
This guy is so stupid that he says he drinks black coffee with no sugar because sugar is bad for him but drinks glasses of chocolate milk (which is loaded with sugar) every freaking day! His idiocy is not limited only to that. I usually eat lots of vegetables when it's either dinner or lunch and this goes and asks: What do vegetables have?! 
I once wanted to say something to him but I decided to keep my mouth shut. I have come this far. I have a very good chance to finish the program and go to my career after less than 2 months. Why would I ruin such an opportunity by doing something to a stupid, lying pervert?!
The funny thing is once just a few days ago I was talking to the divorced woman, to see if I can get any help from her and I was talking to him very quietly, almost whispering, I noticed that the SLP was kind of trying to see what was going on between the two of us!! He was gazing toward us with big eyes, wide open! I was going to say: Relax man! I'm not going to f*uck this smoker, idiot, ugly woman, if that's what you're concerned about! 

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