Sunday, August 25, 2024

At the other side of the Table

I participated in an interview less than one year after I joined this team, last week. This time as an interviewer, although I didn't get much chance to ask questions. I had prepared myself a little bit though,  but it's okay. I let it go. This a**shole he think he knows it all. I don't want to fight him at this stage which I don't even know whether I will be there for long or not.
In my opinion some of cliche questions are really dumb. For example what do you know about our company? I can spend 15 minutes on a company's website and bullshit the interviewer! Would that prove something?! Some say it shows that the candidate's interest! The candidate is interested in getting out of the misery of being unemployed and especially in day and age which the competition is high, cost of living is high and good jobs are scarce! There were two guys: An (East) Indian whom I had difficulty understanding and a younger Canadian fella. I felt bad for the guy and despite the fact that most of employers don't care, how can you not have a clear communication with others after years and years of living in this country?! And then you sit there at the end and ask stupid questions?! No way you would be hired! 
The other guy was an overconfident, I-am-better-than-everyone type of macho guy! He was desperately trying to sell himself, despite the fact that he didn't have more than a year of off-and-on job, through connection(!) and at the last part played the card of I have another offers! My colleague, who handled most of the interview liked him, of course, and sent him a message saying that he had been considered. We still have to see when he comes and how he will start.
(Photo: As part of being inclusive, many websites, these days, post pictures of men with beard or women with headscarf. This doesn't have anything to do with this post but is that what Canada about? Would a Korean guy represent this country or a person from Western European country origins? That's probably another post but for this one this two-on one interview depicts what we had last week)

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