Monday, September 09, 2024

Organic Food( (3)


This is a very short post. I was at a Real Canadian Superasshole a few days ago to buy Tamarind for a friend whom has tried, like and said it was good for her and also bought a couple of other things. The place was packed but a lady was nice enough to let me pay before her with a full cart. 
I noticed this empty isle on my way to the cashier: Organic food. You see people who buy all sorts of trash and fill their carts but barely even step in this section of the store. Some don't believe in these items and some prefer to pay the same amount and get more products for the money they pay. Organic food is very expensive and I've written about it but how do the businesses survive in this economy is beyond my understanding.
(Photo: Organic packaged products isle in a Superasshole in Calgary)

Sunday, September 08, 2024

The Fate of Restaurant Business

I don't eat at McDonald's. I don't think someone at my age should but people do and I think it's how their body is accustomed to. I used to and it was one I was doing physical hard labour. Happily I haven't done that for a long time so the food it's not appealing and all I ate was their breakfast sandwiches.
Nevertheless I stopped at a McDonald's on my way home yesterday I got a medium Orange Juice and ask for a cup of water. The juice costed $2.4, and they gave me water in a tiny, little, small-size cup! And the place was packed! With the economy not doing so well and unemployment on the rise, despite the fast that Bank of Canada reduce borrowing cost, where do average people go to spend their times on weekend? Where is better than McDonald's?! Cheapest place to eat and yet you pay $2.4 for a fake medium-size orange juice! 
There's something else you can do and many do it: You can keep your used cup and go to another location and steal sugary beverages! I saw a tall Canadian guy 17 or 18 did that. I'm sure this can easily be elevated as it technically is theft and there're cameras in the lobby but I think McDonald's make enough money to let a few losers like that steal Coke and Sprite every day! 
(Photo: My expensive medium orange juice. I think if you ordered  using the app, it would be cheaper)

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Nearly $135,000 after Four Years

I don't know how accurate these talks are about housing shortage and high rents but the place I bought  4 years ago does not seem to have much increase in its value, only $135,000. This is the difference between what my loan contact says and the most recent municipality assessment. I need to get the hell of this neighbourhood regardless of the job I'm going to be doing. It has become too irritating because of some asshole, disgusting neighbours. Beside I need to have a nice yard and bigger garage. I may keep my old Toyota, at least for awhile when I'm buying my new car which most likely would be an E. V.
I'm going north and I'm hoping I can get something for leas than $350,000 which matches my needs and with low interest rate, meaning using my current rate or the new one which will be introduced by Bank of Canada, this week. In the second case, It will be easier for moving but will be more costly because I will keep both the houses and then sell this one and use the difference on my new car although I have all the cash for that now but I'm moving toward the plan slowly and carefully. 
(Photo: AMPA's concept E. V. called Arrow. I don't know why they call it that name. It reminds me of the failed jet project. Let me know if you don't know about it and I will write it here or you can find it in the web. This, however, is not something that I'm buying!)

Monday, September 02, 2024

How a Loser's Life Turns Out

I had a flight booked to Las Vegas this past Sat. at 08:00. I even had paid for my seats, going and returning. My plan was to go to Tonopah to do the hike that we tried nearly two years ago and failed miserably! I was not ready for the trip, generally. So I set my clock for 05:55, woke up, had something and head out. By the time I reached the airport, parked and went to the gate, it was almost 07:10 and I was told that the checking had been closed! I went back home! Wasted at least $600, if not more. I had booked the ticket in May!
Then I told myself I had to do something positive with my time at least this Sun. So I headed to work. I reached there at around 09:00 and after a few minutes of work I realized that our network where I needed to access my files was done! The filthy disgusting, nasty incompetent stupid Latino in charge of the network, computers and everything related had messed up! Imagine a company which is so pathetic to use a Latino as his computer and network system person! I spent a few hours and returned home with disgust and disappointment. Wasted the rest of the day. 
Then I told myself, at least I will use the best of Mon. So I set the clock for 04:30 to head south for a hike. Woke up and couldn't convince myself to get out! Ate something and went back to the bed until 07:30 or so! 
(Photo: I stayed in Conrad the last time I was in Las Vegas. A nice and clean place)