Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Nearly $135,000 after Four Years

I don't know how accurate these talks are about housing shortage and high rents but the place I bought  4 years ago does not seem to have much increase in its value, only $135,000. This is the difference between what my loan contact says and the most recent municipality assessment. I need to get the hell of this neighbourhood regardless of the job I'm going to be doing. It has become too irritating because of some asshole, disgusting neighbours. Beside I need to have a nice yard and bigger garage. I may keep my old Toyota, at least for awhile when I'm buying my new car which most likely would be an E. V.
I'm going north and I'm hoping I can get something for leas than $350,000 which matches my needs and with low interest rate, meaning using my current rate or the new one which will be introduced by Bank of Canada, this week. In the second case, It will be easier for moving but will be more costly because I will keep both the houses and then sell this one and use the difference on my new car although I have all the cash for that now but I'm moving toward the plan slowly and carefully. 
(Photo: AMPA's concept E. V. called Arrow. I don't know why they call it that name. It reminds me of the failed jet project. Let me know if you don't know about it and I will write it here or you can find it in the web. This, however, is not something that I'm buying!)

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