Sunday, March 11

By the River After a Long Time

I went for jogging after probably more than 4 months today! With the job I've been doing and the weather which has been extreme, I became very hard for me to keep the kind of exercise that I used to perform, since I came back from CFLRS
My problem is I can't be unemployed and use up my money until I find something. So when I was offered this job, I took it and then when I was re-offered by the actual employer, I took it as well! Since I am considered as a candidate in a much better job (with the Federal Government) I'm hoping that after passing the preliminary steps I get myself to the training and have the job. 
Anyways I went for the jogging and it was good. Surprisingly not many people were on the pathway. I did 25 min. on a considerably good pace. Unfortunately I won't be able to keep it as a habit of every other day although I can get myself to the path, every day at about 16:45 and that's because I do lots of pushing, pulling and at times lifting, at this job of mine. Not to mention lots of lifting, at times. 
(Photo: This picture was not taken today. This is Bow River Pathway nearly 4 years ago in a month of May day! I might have a post for this on that time but I can't recall. Thought use it here because it's nice)

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