Monday, March 19

Keeping the Good Work!

I decided to go for jogging for the second weekend in the row(!) despite the mixture of snow and yesterday and the amount of physical work that this new job have for me. This past weekend I decided to refresh the old good days memory by going to Glenmore Park! It was only -4℃ but a little wind was blowing. The park was not busy but there was people. I ran for 30 minutes this time although my thighs were both sore last Mon. and Tue. from the previous weekend's run. I guess if I keep doing it after only a month (4 or 5 weekends) my body will be ready for that. However I need good rest during the week and on weekends as well.
This time I also had the chance to check my new Fitbit and it seemed working fine. 
I need to keep these exercises as I might be needed to do the same as part of the new job training, If I'm sent for training! But apart from that exercise has always been part of my life although it has had it's ups and lows. Besides I'm not going to spend my whole life on this job! 
(Photo: This picture shows the amount of snow that the city has received in the past months or so. I got my socks socked because the wet snow turned into rain after a few minutes but that was OK. That's how I prepare myself for tough hikes!)

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