Friday, March 23

CFLRS Notes (42): T. J.

I haven't written about CFLRS for awhile. It's been a year now since I went there and although I don't want to remember those days I have to say that there were disastrous ones for me! Sleep deprivation, crap food, marching in blizzard and almost everywhere in the school, dealing with asshole, rude comrades, exercising in cold, you name it. I'm so happy I got out and although I'm doing a low-paid and hard job now, at least I have my freedom!
I wanted to write about this guy that I was a partner with and since I always protect identities, I only refer to him here as T. J. He was a short (nearly 5" 2"), disgusting, jealous, low moral, selfish East Indian fella from Ontario, somewhere. It would be interesting if there was an evaluation by CAF prior to enrolling people, but then perhaps 75% of the recruits wouldn't pass even the first step then! I first met T. J. in TRP. We hung out a bit there but when I went to the second platoon we became Fire Team Partners and that's where he showed me and everyone else his real him! One might wonder why I'm even posting about this guy. There are different reasons. I would like to prove to the people who say " don't stereotype " that most of the time stereotyping is wrong but when it comes to East Indians, I have been right, 100% of the times, so far! I just point at a few things that he did during a few months that I knew him to prove what kind of disgusting individual he is: 
1) Every recruit has to shower after exercise. That's always been mention. This filthy animal used to escape showering until one day got caught! He was humiliated in front of everyone when his dry towel was taken out of his pack and shown to everyone. Obviously he was taken to the office and written up but recruits normally don't get sever punishments for small wrongdoings such as that unless they repeat it over and over. The showering time, mostly, is very limited. That's why some do that. Some recruits learn how to trick: They wet their towels and fool the instructors! I'm sure the instructors come up with their own solution for that soon! 
2) This guy barely showered during the week and his room always stuck to high heaven! If he opened his door, you would think that it was a skunks cage! I and I'm sure others as well, pointed that out to him but he always ignored us. 
3) Jealousy is one of the most significant assets that East Indians posses! He was not exempt. I once told him that I was late in paying a credit card statement and his reaction immediately was: It will affect your credit! While in no way it affects my credit, I'm sure, I'm also certain that if I had told him about my credit limit on my card(s), he would have said something odd, back! 
4) Low morality. There was barely a time that he followed school's regulations. For example recruits are not allow to go to bed before, I guess, 22:00 hours and he did that whenever needed it and even locked the door which is considered another infringement! However as I explained earlier, wrongdoings similar to that are mostly ignored by the staff unless it's a habit of the recruit. The policy of the school is to graduate recruits under most of circumstances, meaning that unless the recruit does something really bad, they're not going to kick him/her out of the school. I practically could stay and finish the damn program but I got sick and tired of the things that I explained above in addition some of the stupid things that I had to do such as cleaning, polishing boots and shoes, ironing the damn shirts, sewing the damn(!) labels and a few other things.
5) Being damn cheap. There's nothing that I hate more in a person than being stingy and that is another attribute that East Indians are proud of. This guy even hesitated to spend money for himself when he was hungry! There were vending machines, a store (called Canex) and sandwich bar (Subway I guess). This guy was seen in Subway once, probably, spending the money that CAF had given to him, very reluctantly one a small sandwich! 
I think I've said enough about this guy while there's still plenty left(!) including the ones that I'm not aware of. I could write a little bit more but that would reveal personal information (such as trade) and that's not what I want to do in this blog. I think I've proved that I was not wrong or targeting East Indians.
(Photo: I found a number of good photos in a website [weblog] by a current member of CAF who did the school back in 2005. I have no idea how was able to take these clear picture but I know that many of the recruits carries their telephone all the time, although it was illegal to do so. I even once got written up to have my telephone on me although I explained that I had it on to make an important telephone call and I had verbal permit for that. Anyways I hope he doesn't mind me using his photo here. This is most likely from one of the so-called patrols that we had to do during the training in Farnham. From what I see in the photo it seems that he was enrolled in late summer to early autumn. I also can tell that this probably is past week 8 of training [based on the current schedule of course. I don't know how it was back then] because the guys have camouflage on their faces and that is not used until everything learnt is put into test in weeks 10 to 13, I think) 

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