Friday, September 21

A Racially Motivated Incident in McDonald's

Everyone knows this but I'm indicating it here that McDonald's is the cheapest chain restaurant in the entire globe and for that its locations are, most of the time, filled with homeless, drug addicts, prostitutes, criminals and all sorts of unpleasant people, at the best cheapskates! I, though, go to McDonald's only for it's Coffee because theirs is the best and I truly despise Tim Horton's, especially now that it is owned by a Brazilian company! 
With that in mind when I and The Mumbling Guy get together, most of the times, we meet in a McDonald's. So we were in a location a few weeks ago and I went to the counter, as usual, to order something as he's a f**king cheap bastard! There was a young, lanky, Caucasian boy who served a few customers while I was standing there like an idiot, looking at the freaking board to see if my lucky(!) number shows up!
I, unfortunately, lost my cool and asked him why he had served other customers whom their orders had been placed after mine. He, very calmly of course, made a stupid excuse and I had to calm down but didn't and threw the newspaper I had, away and said something else! 
This triggered a few Caucasian oldies including a potbellied pig(!) in smudged cloths who was standing right behind me and said something sh*t. I told him to stay out of this and cursed at him as well but I don't remember what I said but remember that I made fun of his physique and appearance! 
Two other guys came to assist him and turned it to a racial issue! One of them told the counter guy to remove me from the restaurant and the other bastard, when I returned to the table and sat in front of The Mumbling Guy said that he would call the police and would have my car towed! 
Surprisingly and it really is a surprise because I have called police several times, the police arrived in a few minutes only! How I found out was that I saw a lady officer going to the counter and then the same young fella, the tall guy, strolled around the restaurant while had an eye at our table. I asked the freaking a**sole if he was looking for me because I was sure that the lady officer had asked him where I was. The bastard liar said no! Then the officer came to our appearance and I knew she had known where I was but asked her if she was looking for me!
She said that she had received a complain about me being mean to the counter people! I told her what had happen and she said that she had to ask us to leave! 
We left the table and when we walked out of the restaurant I told her I knew what had happened. I said that we were two friends who meet once in a while in a place in between our residences and I added that people nowadays simply don't like someone because he looks like certain people who has harmed others! She said nothing and her silence was a sign of confirmation for me! We then crossed the street and sat outside a Starbucks(!) for a few more minutes. 
The Mumbling Guy was OK until we decided to go back to our cars. He thought that the cars would not be there as the guy had claimed something stupid! He, though, suggested to meet somewhere else next time we meet. I didn't want to argue and agreed but deep down I really didn't like the way those a**hole, old-timer, rubes treated us. There's no doubt in my mind that the guys simply intervened because we were not Caucasian and the thing is I didn't say anything bad or rude, until the potbellied cursed at me. 
Almost the same thing happened few weeks after that when this time I and The Chef were coming back from a hike. The guy knowingly or unknowingly served someone who had ordered after me. The Chef asked me why I did not oppose. I told him I would let him know why I did not later and told him the story on the way back home. He was surprised!
(Photo: This young couple stepped in a McDonald's a few weeks ago where I was having a coffee and working on my V-Work. The guy was not able to control himself and would pass out like this. The girl was so young and so beautiful but she had problems too. She was shaking and had difficulty bending her knees to sit. This of course is not from the day we had that issue and is not the same location either. Just to show the type of people who frequent McDonald's at times)

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