Wednesday, September 26

Fahrenheit 11/9: I Was Expecting More from Moore!

I found out about this movie about a month ago and wanted to catch it before it's gone. So I went to a nearby theatre and bought a ticket for auditorium 8. I went in well in advance although the seats were numbered. I sat there and after a few minutes of commercials an animation started almost at the same time that an Asian family, a father, a mother and a little boy came and sat next tome, probably Chinese. I thought to myself: What the hell is it? Why would Michael More start with an animation?! Is that like an introduction to the main movie?! This idea was strengthened particularly when the animation turned to be not a simple one. There seemed to be a message behind that. A homestay mom realizes that one of his foods comes out of the pot after being cooked and turned to a little boy! And then I thought again: Why the hell this family is here with their little boy?! Why would anyone bring a 5-year-old boy to a political Michael Moore movie?! Then the animation was ended and I thought the main movie would begin. It appeared that I was wrong because it was not a movie! It was another animation! Then I thought to myself again: Am I in the wrong theatre?! Yes! I was! I looked around. Not many people! Should I stay or should I go?! What would the others think?! Would I be able to catch the actual movie?! I then left the auditorium and realized that I was in the wrong one! Number 8 was just next to this! I went in and found my seat! Fortunately it was just beginning of the movie!
The Main discussion:
I like the topics that Michael Moore chooses to discuss in his movies. For that reason when I realized that he has a new movie out, I made sure that I am not missing that. However this one was not as attractive as what I had expected: Fahrenheit 11/9
The movie revolves around Donald Trump's election and his first years of presidency. It's probably not as good as what I had expected because the issues discussed in the movie are most recent and there has been so much coverage by different media for them. I'm honestly sick of all the news that we here on daily basis about trump and his administration. That's one of the reasons why I stopped watching CBC. However I understand that whatever happens in the US, will have an effect in Canada. So it's obvious that the politicians should be aware of that and react accordingly but too much coverage is not required.
Going back to the film, it felt that Moore thought obligated to make a movie about Trump or in general what has been going on in the US in the past 15 years of so because he also pokes Obama and calls him the person who made the country ready for Trump to emerge. He, Moore, though, I think, felt tired. He has used the same techniques that has been using since Fahrenheit9/11
He talks to people, he goes to places to make arrest(!), he talks on megaphones, he does his quick edits of the scenes, he shows claims of people's wrongdoings (such as fraud, sexual misconduct, etc.) while a scene of them is being showed and in general the way he presents his ideas has not been changed. If you compared him to other film makers, you wouldn't see any creativity in the way he opens an issue and discusses that. He opens up with how Bush, who was behind Gore, eventually won presidency in 2000, in Fahrenheit 9/11 then uses the exact same opening in the new movie. 
Anyway this would not a movie, like his previous ones, that I would watch over and over and it's not that I'm a fan of Trump's. The movie is just not that strong. You won't see anything new in it but a few fact that you automatically know that they must be there to make that incident, for example, happen. I won't buy the DVD but if you want to see that once, perhaps you should. The only past of the movie that I like is the section that shows Obama's trip to Flint, Michigan, Moore's birthplace, to address the water problem that people had back in 2014 and still is going on. Obama is basically destroyed for the way he reacted to that crisis and that's a good proof that he's nothing but the same lair and big companies puppet as other presidents of the US
Discussion over Obama, Trump's and the general situation in the US requires several books. It cannot be discussed in a short weblog post. If you're not aware of what's been going on in the US since Trump took over, you perhaps want to see the movie. Otherwise it does not have anything new. It's just a compact version of news for the past year and so since Trump was elected president. I would give 2 out of 5 to this movie.
(Photo: A symbolic gesture by Moore in the movie. He's hosing the governor Snyder's house with Flint's water! This kind of scene has been seen in other movies of Moore. I wonder if there actually is a charge in the US for someone who hoses someone else's property!) 

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