Saturday, September 29

An Easy Entry!

Writing from Vancouver International Airport (in Richmond!) I just passed the US Department of Homeland Security a few minutes ago. Things obviously have changed since the last time I was to the US in 2015. They have installed a machine which checks the passport, asks you questions and take a shot of you. Then you're directed to a line which ends to different booths with the US Department of Homeland Security officers. At my turn (which didn't take more than 2 minutes!) I was waved by an Asian lady. She asked me where I was going and asked me about the food that I had declared at the machine. I told her that I had made a few sandwiches for me and that was it: Stamp! 
I then walked to the gate. A few people including me, were called to the counter for passport check. I had been told that it was a random selection and that was true. It was not only me. Caucasians, East Indians and other people of different ethnicity were also called to the counter and their passport was checked. It took only 2 minutes and now I'm waiting to be board. We would be board in 45 minutes, I guess.
(Photo: People are lined up to get on the plan in a quite busy terminal of Vancouver International Airport. This was just a few minutes before I board the plane)

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