Friday, June 7

Body Measurement

There's this sort of machine available at the training center which performs different body measurements. I think it's called InBody. I had not seen something like that anywhere else before and I have been wanting to do that in order to see in what shape, really, my body, is since I got here. I finally got the chance to do it this week. I think that was a quite old version of what the company makes but probably still valid. I was quite surprised by the results thought!
I had not exercised for a quite a while when I went there due to the knee pain I had. The measurement indicates that 24.9% of my body is fat! I do have a little, not even sensible by eyes, belly but my expectation was only around 10% or perhaps a little more! There are also other information available to the person there, which eventually shows on the printed report, including:
1) Basic Metabolic Rate. This one I like. This is the minimum number of calories needed to sustain life at resting state. It's said that it's directly correlated to the body mass. Mine is only 1695 Kcal which is surprisingly low because of the body mass I have. 
It's a good set of information, especially for the younger people who take fitness and physical activity seriously and eat healthy. Give it a try when you have the chance. 
(Photo: This is the machine but you need to feed that with basic data before the person goes on and hold those arm apart from his/her body and wait until the calculation is done)

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