Saturday, April 22, 2023

A good number of Teslas on our Roads

The price of Tesla Model 3, the least expensive model of Tesla family, was reduced more nearly two months ago and shortly after that the Federal Government introduced a $5000 incentive for the RWD Model 3. Adding to that is a relatively lower interest rate of Tesla for someone who wants to finance a vehicle and I'm comparing to the other makes, for example Toyota (Not pick up trucks, mostly).
With that in mind, I see different models of Tesla on daily basis during my commute almost every day but what I noticed about most of them is that they drive very cautiously! I don't know if that's the fact driving a Tesla is different from a regular car (the difference between the accelerator pedal and how you reduce your speed by just take your foot off or the stick that causes the car go back and forth) or the fact that it's an expensive car in comparison with the majority of the cars on the road and they worry that they get into an accident and the aftermath troubles. One insurance company quote me almost $107 per month for a basic Model 3, which costs almost $58,000. That would be fine for me, in case one day I decided to go for it but my guess is that's not the case for many. 
Nikola Tesla in his lab. Both Serbia and Croatia, the countries which were both emerged after the Yugoslavia War, take credit for this scientist whose name is after the main electric car. He immigrated to the US and unfortunately went crazy in his last years in New York City. 
The other reason is that many believe that Tesla isn't generally a car of accident, if we can call it! By that I mean if there's any sort of accident, the car is crippled and generally speaking is " Totaled " or is a Total Loss due to the way it is manufactured, using light material to avoid unnecessary weight. That would be the case too but since the cost of repair is high as well, again, the fear of getting into an accident makes people of Tesla to be extra careful on the road. Overall Tesla has no financial benefit. It's an undeniable fact. You pay too much for a car to avoid gas station and the soaring price but your insurance is too high, you need to keep it in mind that your battery has enough power, you need to be extra careful about accidents and other issues. There're the benefits to it:
1) You feel good that you're driving a luxury car and it's comfortable. 
2) You don't have to do the weekly annoying habit of purchasing gasoline
3) The majority of periodical maintenance services are eliminated. Examples are oil change, coolant change, etc. Please don't curse here if you don't like what I wrote! 
(Photo, top: A Tesla Model X on the road. A basic model goes as much as $130,000 in Canada. I took it on a major highway around Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

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