Saturday, April 29, 2023

The Long Pause

There was a time that I would go to any supermarket, mainly Safeway and Co-op and buy anything I wanted without being concerned about the bill or even looking at the price tags. Now I barely go to them. I destination is mostly either Wal-Nasty-Mart or The Real Canadian Superasshole for the difference between the price of the majority of the items. The only things that I don't buy from them is any sort of meat and most of fruits and vegetables from Wal-Nasty-Mart because it's poor quality.
I went to a Safeway near Downtown Calgary and walked around between the isles for nearly 15 minutes. Came out with a small bag of vegetables and fruits, only! I think that cost almost $15! I don't know how people live these days but I do know why some have multiple kids! The government's Child Benefit works really well for the ones who have two or more, even one. People like me and couples with low income have issues. Everyone was standing in front of the items, with a long pause, gazing at the price tag and calculating in the heads! I did the same with this difference that many things I wanted, I simply skipped. If Safeway prices a jar of Yogurt is $4.99 and I would pay for the same damn thing only $2.70, why the hell would I buy it from Safeway? If the difference was ¢50 or a little more, I would but more than $2.25 difference is too much and unreasonable. Would you think so?
(Photo: The fruit section in a Downtown Calgary supermarket. Everything is available in plenty but the prices scare you off! They blame it on the global inflation! Something that they made up to empty the people's accounts faster!)

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