Sunday, November 4

Recycling and Reusing

I was talking to one of the middle managers, I assume he is(!),  about recycling in Canada and he made a good point because I truly am disappointed by the way these as*holes at work and generally everywhere in the country, who pay little or no attention to recycling and reusing. I asked him when the concept of recycling had been introduced to Canadians and he said 25 years ago or something like that, as he was not sure. I remember recycling of paper had been started in the old country then. I then asked him, by pointing at an empty can in a garage bin while the recycling bin was only 3 feet away, why is that. His response was both interesting and truthful! This is what he said:
There's nearly 1.5 billion people in China and almost the same in India (or generally Indian sub-continent, I'd say), see how little or no attention they're paying to environment in general. In North America there's barely 350,000 people live. How would they make a difference?! 
He is right. He added that it used to be better but people don't care that much now!
I understand how frustrating it can be but that's no excuse. In my personal opinion, which I didn't mention it to him, Capitalism cannot exist without countries such as China which makes cheap products and countries such as India which provides cheap labour. Both cheap products and cheap labour produce lots of garbage and pays no or little attention to their surrounding. All of the products in North America and produced elsewhere coming to this part of the world, mainly from China, Bangladesh and Vietnam, have wrapping, boxes and all other sorts of garbage and why I'm saying garbage is mostly people don't reuse them or recycle them. Some of the products the Westerners have produced in the past 50 years or so it's almost un-recyclable! plastic bags, oil and solvents are amongst them. Some are so dangerous that there's almost no solution for them as how to get rid of them! There are a few good  (in fact bad!) cases explained in Practical Law of Architecture, Engineering and Geo-science. So people being stupid and lazy because more than 3 billion people at the other side of the globe pay no attention to environment (and you're partially responsible for that as well, no doubt) is only an excuse. That eventually affect their life. What's funny is how ridiculous Environment Canada and this stupid the so-called Green Party are! That pile sh*t, useless, moron, the leader of so-called Green Party was arrested protesting the extension of pipelines to British Columbia, not caring about the millions and millions of plastic bags which are deposited to the environment on daily basis! At least we know that if there's a problem with a pipeline, that could be resolves or there are preventive measures but the damn plastic bags and other similar products remain in city landfills! 
This is a very long argument to go on with. I guess I will post more about that soon. In the meantime feel free to express yourself in comment area but avoid coarse language, please, if you could! 
(Photo: The so-called leader of the so-called Green Party was arrested protesting the extension of Kinder Morgan Pipeline in British Columbia. It is said she should be held criminally responsible for what she has done but I doubt that in a soft society of Canada that a murderer is sentenced to 3 years in prison anything happens to her)

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