Sunday, February 10

The Second Week of Extreme Cold

The extreme Arctic cold in Calgary, and most of Alberta, has entered its second week now. I, most of the time didn't have any problem. Nor with my clothing, neither with the car. Yesterday was really bad though! I went out early and it was -29℃ without windchill (-20.2 ℉). I started the engine. Boom! One twist and that was it. The car made a bad sound but started without any issue but I was really cold! Then in the damn coffee shop I was cold as well and even two large cups of coffee didn't help. Walking outside was just out of question unless you had at least three layers of thick cloths. 
I spent the rest of the day at home! I guess that's what most of the people did. Today morning though was not as bad. It's amazing how a few degrees of Celsius make a difference. I got out at about 08:55 and the roads were so quiet! Even the disgusting McDonald's which is a hangout for homeless, drug addicts, mentally challenged poor people and similar was not busy! The coffee, must be mentioned, is good!
(Photo: I've used my car's thermometer as a picture for the blog, I think. This always shows 2 degrees about the actual temperature. It doesn't need any more explanation)

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