Saturday, February 2

The Beautiful Winter of Alberta

The adorable winter of Alberta finally arrived this week. The temperature is going down significantly and now it's near -20 ℃ (for Americans I should say it's -4℉). It started in east and now it's arrived here. I was out in the morning as I had a physiotherapy appointment and it was intense but not so bad if you have enough. I'm going out for a little shopping and would like to see what the reaction of people is.
This is what the forecast says. It's going to be a beautiful week. All the temperatures are in Centigrade
Alphonse e-mailed me a few days ago from California and asked me to be careful! What a nice fella!
Mon. would be interesting! I have to be at work fairly early, as usual, and I wonder how the traffic as well as the business would be. 
(Photo: A row of snow-covered threes at the banks of Elbow River cannot say how cold it is but certainly shows the beauty of the winter. Unfortunately I'm busy these days and do not have much chance to go out for photography or anything else. Maybe later)

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