Friday, June 14

Heart Attack

I called The Chef a few days ago to see how he was. We had not talked for a long time. He got very happy! Being lonely and without many friend, family and relative, I understand how someone might feel, when they receive a phone call. That was not a surprise. What surprised me a little, and not a lot, since I know The Chef's life, is that he told me that he had a heart attack!
The Chef has been drinking for years and years and at times excessively. Eats lots of meat and even used to smoke. Someone with that history and in that age, should expect to have a heart attack. I feel bad for him. My situation is not much better than him! I mean I haven't had any heart attack. YET! Or if it has happened, I was not aware of that. I have Gout and possibly other issues(!) but since these are not pleasant things to write about, and no one would like to read, I'm going to stop! 
(Photo: The Chef has been given two weeks off work. This is not the first time he's been away from his job for a quite long time. I think if it had not been because of the union, he would have been fired years ago. He has been working for the same company since 2005 or 2006 and will, most likely, retire with them in a few years)

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