Saturday, December 03, 2022

Joker in Real Life

I'm sure the majority of the people have watched Joker. One of the stupidest and most meaningless movies in the history of cinema! Why was is successful, unlike movies such as Foxcatcher, Valkyrie and so on? Because it was about chaos and killing! The two concepts that people in the US and somewhat Canada are found of! They want the police forces across North America to be de-funded(!), they want to have all sorts of guns available to be anyone and no control over purchasing it. That's why there are so many shoot out and innocent people are killed every week
 The society which fights for above, then their idol is Joker! They are constantly looking for opportunities to drink alcohol, smoke weed (and sometimes something lighter, like a cigar or cigarette), gamble and find a casual sex partner. 8 hours of day wasted, mostly, at something called job and the rest of 16 comprises of what I listed. That is the nature of life in a Western society.
But why this is a subject now that I've showed my resentment, if I could call it(!) for the movie earlier?! We have a Joker at work! Same characteristic, mostly. Some differences. This guy who will be called The Joker, is a labourer who now helps us in our department. Tough guy physically and mentally crazy! Constantly cursing, like most of Canadians who think if they curse, they're considered important! 
He called me when I was sitting in the office trailer at the site. It was very cold, not like it is now! It was -16 ℃ (3.2 ℉) and wind was blowing. He was telling me that the Supervisor, another crazy Canadian guy(!), was mad at me and I could not do anything by myself for 3 seconds! (I don't know who he had calculated that!) and he was mad at me too! And then started dropping F bombs! I called the Skinny, who is the Supervisor(!) and didn't answer! I got my ass out and joined him and he was going and going and I didn't say anything and started the job! 
He came back to me 5 minutes later and apologized! He said that he had Anger Issues and constantly apologized for his behaviour and all I said to him was that it was Okay! I kept going and then in 10 minutes and asked for a hug! I hugged him and told him that it was okay and we would go for lunch, one day that he's not busy with his family! He smiled! 
The poor kid has had a tough life, mostly. Not that I lived like a prince but I never had to cut wood after a day of work, before resting so my home is warm! I never had to work in the middle of woods to be able to support my family, although I never had one! I let it go and he has become nice to me again. Even says goodbye when he lives! Something that is rarely seen in Western culture! I could get into an argument and exchange of bitter words but what could I have possibly earned? It would have certainly affected my health and we would probably ending at HR and who knows what would happen there but I barely think they would keep me on after that. In a project that everyone is Canadian, it was a very big surprise that they let The Tote Lover go or perhaps I should say they kicked him out. Do you think they would keep an outsider on?! Why would I jeopardize both my job, although temporary and my health, by getting into a useless and stupid argument with a maniac?! If a dog barked at you, would you bark back?! The funny thing is the Supervisor, The Skinny is a pro-gun fella and once I got into a discussion with him but happily it was interrupted by the Big Boss and didn't get ugly or who knows what would happen! 
(Photo: Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. I took this photo during my recent trip to the city. A crazy guy opened fire from the 32nd floor of this hotel and killed and injured many innocent people in 2017 and the country still cannot and probably will not have a good Gun Control system and now that the Government of Canada has started to put restriction on firearms, which is a very and only good thing done by the Federal Government so far, people like Skinny started to go crazy!)

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