Wednesday, December 12

Caucho Brazilian Grill

My employer invited all of us to join for an early Christmas dinner last week. Considering that I had not gone last year, I decided to go this time to see what this restaurant is about: Gaucho Brazilian Grail. I, first, didn't find the place. The address simply states the building number and then MacLeod Tr. I parked and walked around. There was a little snow but it was not very cold. I realized that the restaurant's main entrance is not parallel to MacLeod Tr.(!) but I finally I got in and people were there, majority of the ones I had expected.
I had this thought in mind whether I should wear suit and tie or should I just go nice and neat. I eventually decided to ditch the formal dress although I used to wear that. I surprisingly realized that no one had suit and tie on! Everyone was nice and neat (except a rube who came at last!) but even the manager had a very usual shirt on! 
Going back to the dinner, the restaurant offers a Salad Bar which is great for me. The interesting thing was none of the Salads contained Romaine Lettuce! In fact before going to the restaurant I checked both Safeway and Co-op and none of them had either Romaine or even Iceberg! Romaine has caused illness for people due to E-Coli contamination but why Iceberg? Their salad contained everything but Lettuce! They had Salads containing Mushroom, Parsley, Arugula, Green Been and several other ingredients. I enjoyed two full plates of Salads. Drinks were also available. Colleges ordered a sort of Brazilian cocktail but I went with my usual: Vodka on the rocks and a Lime wedge. 
The waitress then came and announced that the meat was coming. So basically different guys come holding a vertical skewer with pieces of meat still sizzling on them. They have a knife and a sort of small plate. They put the plate next to you, on the table, after they get the confirmation that you need that kind of meet and they cut a piece for you. You're supposed to catch the piece with a small tong which is been put next to your plate as part of the utensils. The pieces are not very big but are reasonably cut and taste fresh and delicious. There are different types of meet and I can't remember all but they have Parmesan Beef, Chicken Heart, Chicken Wing, Beef Rib, Pork Sausage and a few other types which also includes Lamb. I tried a few of them. Dessert is special as well. For dessert I only ordered an Americano Coffee but people all ordered fancy dessert which mostly couldn't even finish them! I still had room for both food and dessert but didn't want simply to eat more. 
When the bill came, since I was next to the boss, I noticed that it was $1190 for the 10 of us. Of course he would add tip, I assume some %20. $119 per person and with the tip some $140, would feed me for at least 2 weeks! 
It was a good experience, in terms of seeing how the colleagues are outside work environment, a new eating culture was seen and a good food was consumed. Would I recommend that and would I go there again? If I have enough money, I would certainly go and it's recommended if you're not worried about your bill.
(Photo: This little green cow, which is made of cardboard, if is facing up means that you still would like to have meat and when facing down, and is red, indicates that you no more like food. This, however, is not being applied because guys cannot go to everyone's seat and look for it. It's much easier to ask) 

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