Wednesday, December 5

Christmas Time: Not a Good Time for Everyone

There's this East Indian (from Indian sub-continent without identifying the country) guy who joined us at work almost 6 months ago. A slow guy, both physically and mentally. He was a nice fella though. Spoke English with difficulty after living in Canada for 10 years which is not a surprise. People live in the country for 40 years and still are not able to say more than Hello and How are you! Besides that if you work for Wal-Disgusting-Mart, what else do you need? He was nice enough to let me know of two positions within the disgusting and nasty company: One office job and one floor job. For the floor job I had a telephone interview and then a verbal job offer. I, of course, turned it down. For the good job, I'm sure, the good guys(!), most likely the Caucasians were given the job! 
He was notified by the manager today that he would no longer be working here starting the next week. While I feel bad for him, I should say that's his own fault. Always slow. Always leaving 5 minutes left to the end of the shift to get to his second (or first) job, having difficulty understanding orders and having difficulty, at times, to communicate. But East Indians are generally liked in Canada. Why? Simple: Cheap labour and no talk. In Persian there's an expression which goes: He wouldn't say anything even if you shit in his head! That's how all East Indians are and that's why Canadians love them! Cheap Labour! 
Anyways he was quite upset after he heard the news. I would be. He was upset because I just had told him earlier that he should talk to the manager and ask him why they have not made him an employee yet. He also was upset because he just got himself into a contract to buy a property! This is even worse. These East Indian guys, all of them, due to the overpopulation that they have in their countries and difficulty buying homes, the first thing usually do is purchasing a property and then they go for the second or third. He, I assume, is an exempt. A newly married guy who has been sponsored by a sibling, first was saying that he didn't want to purchase a home or something but then, happily, told me that he had purchased a new condominium and is under construction and would move in next spring. I don't think his dreams(!) are all gone but he will have difficulty. However he will remain in Wal-Disgusting-Mal for good. I, jokingly told him that there would be a property tax hike next year and that's true. There will be 3.45% increase in 2019 and I guess they intend to keep doing that for the upcoming years. That was in response to him saying that there would be no condominium fee for him for the first two years, he had been told and he would move out after that! This is where you see that a poor and desperate person always remains a poor and desperate! The only difference would be that he can eat and doesn't have to live in a slump! His or her life, would all be work, work and work and of course once in a while pushing her mate and perhaps throwing out(!) one or two kids!
(Photo: A factory collapsed a few years ago in Bangladesh, a pool of cheap labour, and killed as many as 200 workers, I believe. The factory was a supplier of clothing in the US and Canada, one of a popular brands. Sorry for not being able to provide a photo of cheap labour in Canada! I would have probably been accused of something! They always find something!)

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