Monday, December 24

Unexpected Christmas Gift

I saw an envelope when I came from work one day last week. There was a very nice Christmas card in it and a folded cheque, something that I had not expected that. When I unfolded the cheque the surprise turned to disappointment! You know when sometimes you're hungry and you eat a little and feel more hungry! It was the same feeling! A cheque for $... is just pathetic! I'm not going to reveal the amount but I think it would have been a much better gift, if they had not included the cheque! The amount is so low that you wonder what to do with that. I know it's a nice gesture and Don't look at the gift horse in the mouth but it's similar to teasing someone when give that to him or her. Many don't even receive that. So I perhaps should be grateful. 
(Photo: I, of course, do not celebrate Christmas but regardless of the fact that it has become totally commercialized I like it because it's the time of happiness, holidays, gifts and food and drink!)  

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