Monday, November 10

The Real Canadian Cold

I wanted to go for my usual jogging tonight so waited until almost 06:00 PM for the traffic getting light. And although I check the weather a few times before going out I thought to myself that it should not be very bad. I put a few layers on and went out. It was brutal! I cleaned up the car and headed for Bow River Pathway. I parked and got out. There was absolutely nobody on the path. It was intolerable! I was out for only 5 freaking min. and that was all! I had to go back to the car and drive back home! The temperature was and still is around -17 degrees C which the wind chill brings it down to -28 degrees C! The wind is of course always worse by the river. A Monkey Hat would help but what the hell! It's funny that I was thinking of going to Jasper this weekend! I don't think it will be possible!

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