Thursday, December 31
The Surprise of 2020
Friday, December 25
Investing in a Relationship
For a whole year I talked to her only about the work when it was only necessary and I don't know why never thought of asking her out! Caucasian and Non-Caucasian? Floor employee and office employee? Too young? All could be the reasons why I never thought of it. Add to that she having attitude and a little bit aggressive! But so what? Maybe this is how she is at work? Maybe a good relationship makes her calm? Besides what is that I would lose? The worst case scenario would be getting rejected. So with that in mind I made a nice Christmas letter and was going to give it to her on Christmas Eve. But the night before I regretted that! I thought that was not such a good idea to hand a Christmas letter! That would be seen cheap and stupid. I also had made similar letter for two other office employees at the same department and eventually through them all in the recycle bin! I thought to myself that if I was looking for a meaningful relationship then I would have to invest in it. No woman, particularly a pretty and independent woman like her would come to a cheap person who doesn't even want to pay for a Christmas Card!
Now the thing is over I think I can by a nice gift or a card and prepare a letter claiming that it was delayed due to the recent storm and give it to her! What do you think?
Thursday, December 24
A Japanese Treat by a Chinese!
(Photo, top: I am getting ready for my break, A cup of Espresso-like coffee and a piece of Mochi)
Wednesday, December 23
A Beautiful and Lovely Snowfall
When I went back in the evening and while the snow had stopped, I realized that I had to clean around the house or I will have more difficulty to get out the next day! But I was surprised to see that someone had cleaned my driveway, the part of sidewalk in front of the house and even in front of my door! Thanks! I drove to the nearby The Home Depot and bought a shovel for nearly $25 and cleaned a bit more. I was so tired then, particularly because I had worked 10 hours, that I went to the shower directly and after a meal I was hardly able to keep my eyes open. I went to bed at around 21:15!
Thursday, December 17
The Proper Usage of Coke
Wednesday, December 16
The Yakhni Story
Saturday, December 12
Cheap People: The Nastiest Creatures
Friday, December 11
The Number 51 Did Not Help!
I got an e-mail in regards to the position that I had applied and had two interviews for, yesterday. Result: A big goose egg! I was positive that I could go for the third interview which would have been a face-to-face one but someone else was better than me. I think the only weak part of mine which cost me the job was when the interviewer asked me if I had applied 8-D Methodology. With the thick British accent she had an long distance conversation which contained 2 time zones(!) I first barely heard what she was talking about and asked her to repeat it at least twice! Then I remember I had read that in the job description and had forgotten to do my homework! Stupid me! I should be stuck at this nasty job until another opportunity presents itself. The website that I found the job in, later sent me an e-mail indicating that 51 people had applied for a position. While it was way lower than a previous position, even that didn't help!
(Photo: The most interesting thing about number 51 is an area in the state of Nevada where people claim is a center of the US government to do its interactions with aliens. The area is in the middle of the desert in the said state. I have been to Nevada and I have been to its desert but I was in the south close to California border. Area 51 is in central northern part of the state)
Thursday, December 10
The Company's Gift
No too long was passed that I heard the supervisor called me to the office. It usually is not a good sign to be called to the office! It's, most of the time, means that the individual has made a mistake and need a talking to! I used to be called to the office, on average probably, once a months or so, 6 months or more ago, for mistakes or complaints from the assholes! Not any more! I'm a very dependable employees now who works more than 8 hours a day like a horse with my head down!
So I go to the office and as soon as I step in there's this chubby, delicious(!) Caucasian woman in front of me holding a small box, and moving it before my eyes! I didn't get the point, at first because I'm not a fan and follower of the product that she was holding as a gift for me but then they told me what it was and I realized why probably they didn't want to leave it to my lunch! It was an Apple product! I thanked everyone and left but that was when I realized why one of a so-called Team Leads was asking me weird things the day before! He was asking me if I liked a certain brand and I said no. he said that he would put down $100 for the exchange of whatever I would won tomorrow! Now I know that he knew this gift would be given to me! So based on that we continued our conversation over the price and he didn't go up pat $140!
I then put the thing on Kijiji to see if I could get a better deal. I was not patient and I'm usually not, which has had catastrophic results for me in my life from huge to minor! After receiving only two response I decided to sell it to the fella for the price! The next day I got an offer of $200!
Saturday, December 5
A True Clean up for 2021
2021 is less than a month from now and I'm about to plan for that. 2020 has been nothing but working like a horse for a small wage and dealing with Coronavirus! I did a number of positive things that I'm not proud but they were okay:
I was able to get a loan from my bank and with a 20% down payment, finance a little place. I secured my employment with the current employer and I was able to get confirmation from CWB for an inspector examination which I have been wanting to finalize since 2017(!) but laziness and other obstacles have held me back.
Now what I've also decided it to do a major clean up and get rid of all of the trash in my life! The human-like trash! The first piece of trash that I already have started throwing its segment out is The Brave! His continuous bullshits about politics, which none has any value, his anti-Sematic remarks and his laziness and uselessness has made me sick. Yes, There was a time that I used to call him and visit him at his place but that is over now. I haven't called him since Sep. and I have no plan to call him ever again. If he calls I will play with him a little bit and make him stop!
The next piece of trash, which I actually started throwing it out a couple of days back, is The Chef. I was really pissed off at him asking me to go to his place to do E. I. for him, almost every day! The piece of crap has been kicked out of the job more than a week ago and hasn't applied for the benefit. I'm not even sure if he is eligible for that but or not because you get E. I. only if you're laid off. He still keeps drinking and getting drunk! He got fired from a part-time job a number of years ago because he had struck a guy and he never learnt from that!
And lastly but as important the two previous trash(!), Lazy Ass should also be tossed. He doesn't wanna get a job, he only needs to talk when he has no gf(!) and he's totally useless. Scrapped!
Tuesday, December 1
My Recent Home Interview
Monday, November 30
The 19th is Finished
Tuesday, November 24
A Good Opportunity
I immediately called back and had a 20 minutes conversation with the lady. It appears to be a good position but she told me at the end that there will be another phone conversation with someone else and then a face-to-face interview and finally for the candidate a test! Damn! Seems like there are many stages to pass to get to the position. She asked me if I knew that the position was in Edmonton and if I would move if I was offered a position? I said I would move to Newfoundland & Labrador for a good position! She also asked me about my salary expectation, added, considering that I have 7 years of experience. I said: Withing the industry's norm. She, however, at the end didn't ask me if I had any questions but explained a little about the benefits that the company offers.
Monday, November 23
The Wrap
Anyways I got the breakfast sandwich from One-Man. It was a Egg & Cheese and that was the last day he came to work! I saw him in the afternoon and he asked me how many Tylenol did I think he could take! I told him that it'd depend on the strength and physicians don't recommend more than 2 within 8 hours. I asked him what had happened and he said that his whole body was aching. Today in a meeting at work it was announced that his Corona test result has come back as positive(!) and I sat next to this guy almost every day for more than 2 weeks! His brother, who brought that delicious food a few months ago is also considered sick as the result of his test was the same.
The manager then asked me to join her in the office and said that I should isolate myself for 14 days because I told him that I had been given a breakfast sandwich and I ate it! I asked her if the virus could be transferred through food and she said yes. I said that it had been a week and I was fine. She asked me if he had made the sandwich or was it store-bought. I explained that it was store-bought and wrapped. She said that I didn't have to be worry then! I knew that already but the fact that I had to isolate freaked me out for a moment and then the fact that the wrap probably saved me from that, was amazing.
One thing that I should mention here is that an aching body is a cold symptom. I think One-Man only has a cold and this proves that Corona and cold symptoms are similar. So many of these people who are classified under infected ones these days might simply have a cold or at the most influenza.
Saturday, November 21
An Interview after more than a Year
Thursday, November 19
You Are Terminated!
Tuesday, November 17
The Blocked Fish!
Sunday, November 15
Will The Chef Survive This?
Saturday, November 14
Addicted to Gambling
Tuesday, November 10
The Trouble with my Licence Plate
Saturday, November 7
One Year at the Job
I just reached the one year milestone at this job on Fri. I was expecting them to perform a review or at least address that somehow. no action! I have been working 6 days a week, except for one week, for a year now. It doesn't make much but it's much better than being unemployed like many. The benefits are not so good but that's all I can have now. It's partially or perhaps mainly, my fault. I wasted so much time when I could study good courses and elevate my resume. Now I'm doing this shit job and every week look at my account to see if I have enough money to pay my bills and at the same time buy essentials for my house or not!
Friday, November 6
Stupid and Disgusting Delivery of Food
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Shirazi Salad, originated from the city of Shiraz in south-central Iran is very tasty and healthy |
Wednesday, November 4
My Second Experience with POF
Anyways this woman kept a nice contact and eventually after about a week she said she would meet me in a Tim Horton's. Here's when you can know a woman a little better. A classy woman would never see you in a cheap, garbage-maker low-class coffee shop like Tim Horton's! I said yes, though and went to the location that she sent it's address to me. I arrived there a few minutes to have the first good impression. She looked a woman in her early to mid. 50's, short and in a very casual dress. lots of wrinkles in the forehead and chest, below neck as she had a wide open shirt on, just above the breasts. The hair was just regular but looked like it had been recently dyed. She indicated that she would have liked Hot Chocolate. It was awful but i didn't say anything! I got two small ones and we sat. We talked about an hour and it was not bad and then she said she had to deliver something. We split after that. We continued exchanging messages until the weekend she said she would have liked to go for a walk. I agreed and she was supposed to send me a message to say the time and location. She never did and when I followed up she mentioned other things. It was a little strange but I didn't insist. That was the last time we exchanged message and since she didn't answer, I stopped. I said: F*ck her! I need no old ugly whore who doesn't know what she wants! I bet she has found someone she likes because there were many times that I would log in to see her messages and she was online! F*ck her!
Monday, November 2
Chicken from Wal-Mart!!
(Photo: Wal-Mart chicken comes in two falavours in this undisclosed location!)
Friday, October 30
The Evil Woman
Don't call me sexist or misogynist or any other shit like that. A company which hires a holder of B. Sc. in Chemistry, if it's valid and legit, and if she was not the bottom of the class, from a Third World Country which has no reputation for intelligence and put her in charge of Operations is nothing but a bunch of fool loser!
The woman has always a smile which I finally realized that is fake! Smiling outside and all the dirt and filth is inside! But everyone eventually shows their real face, if they have two. I started sending e-mails to improve performance, increase quality and decrease cost but she did nothing. She just answered my first e-mail and it was a lie and ignored the second one. That was when I stopped writing to her. She, however, kept a friendly and nice relationship, although I don't work under her management, directly. I realized I had no chance to get to the office. So I said: The hell with them. If I list a number of disgusting things that she has done recently, you would agree with me that it is a nasty, evil woman. Once he bought Durian and kept that in the office for three days to becomes doddered and then took them home to enjoy! The entire place smelled like there was a gas leak and no one dared saying a word! The other time a customer wanted to get into the loading bay to have something he had purchased loaded to his truck while she was parked there. She ignored the fact that the customer was there and didn't move her car! We had to ask the customer to go to another loading bay! It was unbelievable especially because she kept apologizing without moving the car! We all thought she would but sat at the damn desk and gazed at the monitor, pretending that she was working! I think if she had been in the interview, she would have not hired me. It's obvious that she ignored my advises as a specialist because she felt that her position might be in danger. I just try to stay as far as possible from her, now that what kind of witch she is!
Tuesday, October 27
The Second Iraqi Whom I Met
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Iraqi soldiers ran away from the city of Khorromshar in southwestern Iran in May of 1982. They even left their helmets as seen here |
Monday, October 26
A Subsequent Outage: Internet!
Sunday, October 25
A Ridiculous Increase
I don't even know why they bothered! If I work 40 hours a week, which is usually more than that, the total increase would be $14.80 and in a month, disregarding the overtime, would be $59.20!
I had a number of mistakes and then a few snitches complained about me. So my file is really not clean but at least I expected them to increase it by $0.50 and they even denied that! With the job market so bad, I guess I have no choice but to stick to this stupid job and survive.
Friday, October 23
The Disaster of a Power Outage in Canada
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An oil lamp similar to what I, at times, used in the old country to study. Something similar to this goes for $100 or more on websites |